You didn't know that!
by Aravindaksha
1) …“strengths” is the longest word in English with only 1 vowel.
2) …names of cyclones in the Indian Ocean region are given by 13 countries - Thailand, Sri Lanka, Pakistan, Oman, Myanmar, Maldives, Bangladesh, Iran, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Yemen, and India. The name of the last cyclone to hit Chennai - Vardah (“red rose” in Urdu) - was given by Pakistan while the recent cyclone’s name, “Tauktae” (“gecko” in Burmese) was given by Myanmar. The upcoming cyclone Yaas is named by Oman and refers to a tree with good fragrance, similar to Jasmine.
3) …Shakespeare invented 1700+ words, some of them being “assassin”, “bedroom”, “champion” and “excitement”.
4) …Google once used a hidden feature called “foobar challenge” to hire new developers. People who search for a lot of programming-related terms will be given a notice in the bottom of their page and will be required to solve 5 hard challenges in either Java or Python. It still appears occasionally but Google doesn’t hire people with it anymore.
5) …people in a 1988 American football game’s audience cheered so loudly that a nearby seismograph registered it as an earthquake. This went down in history as “The Football Game”.
6) …author Ernest Vincent Wright wrote a book named “Gadsby” in 1939, a 50,000 word novel that doesn’t contain the letter ‘e’ at all! This is an exceptional feat since ‘e’ is the most important letter in the English Language (if you don’t believe me, count the number of ‘e’s in this whole page)!
7) …the first published version of this website was created from scratch and was completed in less than 5 hours. The current version’s total development time is just below 12 hours (Hey, we should give the awesome, hard working developers some credit).
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