Importance of Animals, Why and how we should save them?
by Arshitha
Wildlife plays a key role in our ecosystem. We should ensure that the animals in our surrounding are safe.
There are million of animals which are dying day by day due to the climatic changes in the atmosphere as a result of the prodution of many greenhouse gases like carbon -dioxide and methane. Some others are being slautered to death either for food, or as they are of no use to man kind.
By preserving and co- existing without disturbing their habitat we can save numerous lives. Reduction of deforestation should be enforced. If deforestation of a particular happens to take place then there should be aforestation ideas before hand, to ensure that the wild animals don’t loose their habitat completely.
Noxios chemicals released by the factories can harm the animals. When rain mixes with these chemicals and the pollutants in the atmosphere it is converted to acidic rain which in turn affects the animals even more. We must lessen the amount of chemicals stranded in the air.
The usage of electronics can be reduced as the signal emitted by these devices can decrease the growth rate of the animals. Did you know that some times it can alter the DNA of these animals abruptly.
The wildlife associated near the rivers or lakes can have a better living if we bring down the usage of water and by keeping these places clean. By donating to wildlife conservation communities and organization we can save many animals.
Now let’s observe substantially why preserving animals is important. Animals provide us with several day to day applainces such as food,clothing, Medicines and they disperse the seeds as they locomote, improvising a mature growth for plants and trees. You see, bees are You see, bees are strong pollinators. One third of the world’s food is dependent on them. If we drived them to extinction there would be many disadvantages for human kind.[now you remember the idiom “busy as a bee”? We would not have derived it if the bees hadn’t existed.
Have you heard of the llamas and how they help? If not, let’s talk it about how. These beasts have mostly low environmental impact and are effective as Guard animals. Have you heard of the animal nutcrackers, the squirrels! They help to disperse the seeds of plants and are also known as nature’s tree planters.
Elephants ! I am sure you would have heard of them. They are proudly Known as the most intellligent animals on our planet. During dry seasons elephants dig the earth with their huge tusks in search off water thereby trying to fill the lakes.
Birds balance the ecosystem by helping in many unique activites for instance aforestation, seed pollination,pest control and soil fertilization.
Who are humanity’s best friend? Dogs!They are Service animals and assist those who have visual impairments. Dogs provide Emotional support and contribute many positive effects in our world.
“Spread these few words where ever you go to save the wildlife of our planet.”
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