Beginning or End?
by Shradha
Is it the beginning of the end or the end of a beginning?
Winston Churchill once said: Now this is not the end. It is not even the beginning of the end. But it is, perhaps, the end of the beginning. Now this is something that really interested me, It got me thinking and relating to our current situation during the pandemic… Is this going to be the end or is this a waking call..?
You might be thinking it’s not in our hands to choose when the end is right? Well no.. You can prevent it from being the end by doing what our government instructs us to do. That is washing our hands, wearing a mask in public, maintaining social distancing and quarantining ourselves if we happened to get sick.. If we all did that it would mean this might not be the end! But look at it from the other perspective…
What if this is a waking call? What could that mean.. It means we have been blind to something the very thing that we call home and the very people we may have been forgetting to appreciate…. Think about it…. In the past have you ever thought to take a moment and appreciate our healthcare workers the doctors, nurses etc? Well now we owe those very people for keeping us safe! Without them our pandemic will mark our end. They are risking their own lives to treat and help us everyday. We have also been calling this very earth our home but have we not started a path of destruction on it? I mean if the earth has existed for only about 24 hours we humans were only only on it for a couple of seconds! I am a person who strongly believes we have to take care of what we were gifted with and we were given this precious earth and i must confess being locked away from roaming freely outside has only brought the need to explore, admire and preserve the earth back to me.
So now it’s time for you to think.. Which one is it? What do you think the answer to the question “Is it the beginning of the end or the end of a beginning?” is.. I think it’s a bit of both a waking to call to let us know that is we do not cherish our planet, our humans and our wildlife now… It might become too late.
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