Television - Then vs Now
by Darshan
If you observe a TV from about 20 years ago, they look vastly different. They are all large rectangular boxes with tiny square screens. These TVs used CRTs, which is the short form of cathode ray tube. Most TV’s today use LEDs, QLEDs, Mini LEDs and OLEDs. CRTs are bulky and expensive compared to modern technologies for instance OLED which allows TV’s to be thinner than a phone. CRTs were being replaced by LCDs in the 2000’s and LED’s took their place in the 2010s. CRTs were discontinued because LCD prices dropped and they had much better image quality compared to CRTs. The same thing happened with LCDs and LEDs.
But CRTs still have a few advantages over modern technologies. CRTs barely have any input delay and they will always look crisp and clear no matter what.
How we watch TV has also changed over the years. Just a few years ago, we had to use a dish antenna to get our TV shows and movies but now, we can play them on demand from anywhere we want.
Apps such as Hotstar, Prime Video and Netflix allow you to watch what you want on everything. TVs to Laptops to phones. It is amazing to see how much TVs have changed in 20 years!
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