Invention of the First Aircraft
by Venkat
Orville and Wilbur Wright were the inventors of the first airplane. On December 17, 1903, the Wright brothers launched the era of human flight when they successfully tested a flying vehicle that took off by its own power, flew naturally at even speeds, and descended without damage.
An airplane is simply any aircraft with a fixed wing powered by propellers or jets, which is an important thing to remember when considering the Wright brothers’ invention as the father of modern airplanes. While many people are used to this form of transportation as we have seen it today, airplanes have taken many forms throughout history.
In 1899, after Wilbur Wright had written a letter of request to the Smithsonian Institution for information about flight experiments, he, along with his brother Orville Wright designed their first aircraft. It was a small, biplane glider flown as a kite to test their solution for controlling the craft by wing warping—a method of arching the wingtips slightly to control the aircraft’s rolling motion and balance. The Wright brothers spent a great deal of time observing birds and how they fly.
Nowadays we have several types of aircrafts from several different manufacturers such as Airbus, Boeing, Bombardier, Embraer and Beechcraft who made several different aircrafts.
We can’t imagine a world without aircrafts since international travel would be way more difficult. International travel would either have to be through the sea which approximately takes 4-25 days to reach your destination.
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