Chapter 5 - Twice The Mysteries
by Arshitha
Haven’t read the previous chapers? Use the links below to catch up with the story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Have you ever felt clueless where time is of the essence and you are stranded alone in an unknown location?
“Ok, so where am I? Oh right, the forest.”
Trying to recollect all the details Quito had mentioned was a strenuous job but it had to be done so that I could go ahead and find the maze and the willow tree that he mentioned. “What on earth!” I screamed, after watching the sand in the ground gather together and gush out aggressively, it was a cyclone. It headed northward somewhere, and due to the extreme force of the sand, led to a disastrous explosion of fire mid air. I was unnerved and I started shivering with my teeth chattering. I then saw an intimation, I figured it out at last! I started walking northwards in the direction where the cyclone was headed.
After hours of walking I stopped under a tree to take shelter for the night. While being consumed by my thoughts, I heard voices and footsteps from a cave nearby but nothing was visible.
The voices continued, “Why did it take you so long? We might have been caught, those Zeeland citizens are scornful and ambitious. You do know that, ought to be careful next time”.
The other voice responded “Yes, yes, fine. Got it. Let’s leave this place immediately shall we? The code is ‘renter’, remember that.”
The voices faded away and I filled with confusion as I approached the cave. To my surprise, the area was gloomy with no one across my line of sight. Just a bright luminous door in the end; as I walked towards it, it dragged me inside and started controlling my actions and thoughts exactly as Quito had stated before. I WAS IN THE MAZE!
I fainted again, I will assure you fainting isn’t pleasant. The scene shifted and I saw Quito and my older self! (the reason I’m here) They were speaking about something, their voices were very low and I had to concentrate a lot to hear them properly.
“Why?!”, Quito cried to my older self.
“Why did you bring her? The campmate’s voice is back, the cyclonic thieves are rising and now the sundial is nowhere to be found. History just repeats itself again and again. Haven’t you witnessed it before, isn’t that enough? Why her?! Look I…”
My older self then responds “I didn’t really bring her here nor did I want to.. Destiny and fate are always interlinked to each other. Nothing can be changed completely but something can be altered if she is willing. My childhood mind was quite abnormally foolish, but who knows things might have changed. Things that are meant to happen are tremendously difficult to stop but it isn’t impossible. Have you told her anything yet?”
“I see you are still interrupting people’s sentences.”, Quito replied then smirked.
“Do you mind answering my question?, said my older self, annoyed.
“Can’t you rewind your memory and see the answer for yourself?” said Quito.
“You haven’t changed a bit..why would I be asking you if I remembered all of it? You do know that the crash deleted a part of my memory right?”
“Why don’t you approach her and ask her yourself? Is it that difficult?” Quito interrogated.
“Man, Stop being so stubborn!”, came the reply from my older self with her disappointed look.
Voices, they started becoming deeper and lower, then in a blink of an eye the vision had disappeared. Where…
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