Chapter 3 - Into the Unknown
by Gitanjali
Read the previous chapters to catch up with the rest of the story!
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Morning had arrived and the bright rays of the sun filtered through the glass window and glimmered on Samir’s face. He gradually got up, slowly rubbing his eyes. Soon he realized that D-Day had finally arrived. He was finally going to embark on the journey he had yearned for all his life. It felt surreal.
Quickly making his bed, he rushed down the stairs to greet Nani who was packing his bags.
“Good morning Nani. Well… today’s finally the day!” Samir exclaimed with joy and a hint of anxiety.
“It most certainly is.” she assented.
“Well, I’ve made some fresh pakoras like you requested, and I hope they remind you of me on your journey.”.
“This is all so heartwarming! I would have never come this far without your support.”
They smiled at each other and shared a sentimental moment. Who knows how long it would take for Samir to return?
“Boarding the fight is going to be a tedious process, so I better start consolidating all my luggage.”
“Well alright then.” Nani smiled and continued reading the newspaper.
It was 2 hours before noon and the silence was broken by Samir rushing down the stairs with his backpack slung on his back, and shoes in his hands.
“What’s the hurry now?” Nana asked as she looked at how hurried he was.
“Well, I figured it was time to leave home. Better late then never. It should take me about half an hour to get to the airport if I take the auto, so I think its time for me to go now”, He sighed.
The afternoon was at it’s peak and Samir had boarded his flight. Roughly 24 hours and he’d be in the heart of the Island Nation Bahamas.
“Aah lovely, a window seat.” he smiled to himself as he slumped onto the seat out of exhaustion. Soon, the aeroplane was in soaring in the air. His parents meant the world to him and he deeply believed that they were still out there.
His slumber was aroused with a sudden jerk, and his body clicked into place.
“What in the world… Perhaps it’s just some turbulen-“
A spontaneous series of jerks followed. The plane was trembling and Samir was gripped with a sinking feeling in his stomach as though the plane was losing altitude and falling. Everything was shuddering, like an earthquake except in the air. Panic surged through the passengers. It was complete chaos and Samir’s concerns were validated by the hostess on the flight. Something had gone wrong with the control switches.
“Ladies and gentlemen, we request you to remain calm and do as we instruct you to.” One of the flight attendants announced reassuringly.
All the noise ceased for a mere moment. Everybody stared at the flight attendants expectantly, but in vain. The plane continued to plummet and a water landing was to be made.
Samir found himself lost in deep thought amidst the chaos. Perhaps something similar to this happened to his parents’ flight? In the past decade. 4 commercial flights were known to have gone missing around the same area. Some may have crashed, some mysteriously disappeared. Was his flight about to be the fifth? Samir closed his eyes, took a deep breath and clutched his backpack. With the voices of those screaming drowned out in the background, he wondered if this was destined to be his fate.
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