Chapter 1 - A Century Ahead!
by Arshitha
Now, you would be wondering what this title means? Let me narrate the marvellous incident which took place the previous night.
I had just hit the bed last night when a black hole just appeared out of nowhere. (The ones that swallow the universe). My whole body shuddered with fright. “Was I going to die?”, I asked myself with fear.
Then, suddenly a hand dragged me and for the next few minutes, my head was swirling in and out. I fell on the ground unconscious. I was puzzled when I woke up! What could’ve happened? The next thing I saw came out of the blue, I saw myself in front of me (not in a mirror). She looked taller, older and had longer hair. I took a double-take but still saw myself. “Was I in some kind of illusion?”, I asked myself, “Or had I gone insane?” There was a scent which smelled really bad. First I stood motionless and then fainted. The next time I woke up I was in a mansion.
“Hello, Hello”, I shouted waiting for someone to reply, but all I heard was my own echoing voice. My stomach started having butterflies in it. Then, I went in, to search for food and also to check if anyone lived here. There was no food in any of the pantries. The mansion also seemed to be deserted. I heard some peculiar ghost sounds. Personally, I thought the mansion was haunted (the curtains were torn and the floor had humongous footprints in them). I escorted myself out. As I was walking, I saw my possibly older self again and I wanted to run to her and ask her if she was the one who brought me here. A dog stood next to her. Suddenly, it started barking vigorously. Seriously dogs! I was terrified of those creatures (Even though the puppies were cute).
“Run, Run, Run!”, I told myself. There was a palm tree, I hid behind it. Watching them drift off, I sighed ( So close but so far). Instantly, I fell inside a hole that opened up beneath the tree. It kept on going and going.
“Was the pipe connected to the core?”, I asked confusingly. I landed exactly a minute later. It consisted of another world. Here, people did everything differently moreover oppositely. They were all having their houses upside down (probably a century later it was fine, but as I glimpsed at it now it looked strange). Everyone there flew on birds or some had artificial wings.
Someone‘s wing started malfunctioning and he came storming towards the ground and hit me hard. What would you say if I said that I went unconscious again?
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