by Sansskrithi
Emotions are indeed a very difficult subject to understand, many have tried to define them and today it’s my turn so keep in mind that these are solely my opinions.
Ecstasy, depression, envy, malice are just a few examples. Generally, people believe that emotions are problematic, and feel that they aren’t needed. But emotions define us, in fact they are what differentiates us from robots. But the real question here is, do emotions entangle us or liberate us?
Usually, when a person is angry, they tend to make spontaneous decisions which may end up either good or bad and we might regret them. So you might ask, what use does anger bring us? Anger is caused because YOU feel that something is good. For instance, when you like a dress and your mom disagrees with you, you get angry at her because your opinions don’t line up. You are exclusive here, meaning you are taking into consideration just your point. But when you are inclusive, that is when you take in everyone’s opinion and then come to a conclusion then getting angry is hard as you have considered everyone. Anger overflows because you have not included something or someone as a part of you. When you include the existence of others, you are liberated. Whereas in exclusion you feel separated and trapped.
Fear, again, is one thing that sure is inevitable. People face fear because they wonder what would happen to them, or ones close to them. It is caused because of excessive imaginations. We may face fear for everything though most of it may not even come true. To avoid fear, you need to transcend your imaginations to your limitations. Fear is just a horror movie that we produce in our minds. This too can make you feel either entangled or liberated. When you fear for something and never muster up the courage to do it, it makes you feel enmeshed. But instead, you could muster up the courage and the audacity to do it which will make us feel unshackled.
Moving to greed. Greed is when you have the urge of desiring something that another person has, though can have a mixed outcome. When you work towards fulfilling our desire, our emancipation is boundless. But at the same time, when you just constantly ranting about what you don’t have that others do, we feel shacked.
If you see, in all these cases, emotions can either trap you or evoke euphoria with in you. Its all on how you choose to act upon it.
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