You Didn't Know That...
by Aravindaksha
- There is a punctuation mark used to signify sarcasm. It looks like a mirrored question mark: ⸮
- Unkown to many people, until 2016, the “Happy Birthday” song was actually copyrighted. This means that before 2016, you had to pay an amount of money for the license to use it.
- Scotland was one of the few countries which were able to hold off the Romans in the 1st century AD.
- The first computer bug was an actual bug (insect) stuck in the electronics. The name then stuck.
- Many people think that Julius Caesar’s last words were “And you, Brutus?” because of the popularity of Shakespeare’s play. In reality, though, he said “You too, my child?”
- There is a statue of Nikola Tesla in Silicon Valley that gives out actual free Wi-Fi. This was a homage to his vision of wire-less communications.
- Due to the presence of methane and high pressure in Neptune and Uranus, it rains literal diamonds in there!
- There are only 2 countries in the world which have the color purple in their flags: Nicaragua and Dominica.
- The quietest room in the world is in Minnesota, and it’s noise level is measured in negative decibels, which means that it is SO quiet that you can hear your own heartbeat and bones moving!
- In the 1908 London Olympics, the Russians showed up 12 days late because they were using the Julian Calendar instead of the Gregorian Calendar!
- On one slow-news day in April 18, 1930, a BBC radio broadcaster blatantly said “there is no news”!
- Nepal has the most mathematical flag in the world. The consitution even consists details about the steps of drawing the flag!
- The word “velociraptor” comes from the Latin words “velox” meaning swift, and “raptor” meaning robber - literally meaning Swift Robber!
- Mona Lisa was stolen from the Louvre in 1911, which drew more visitors to see the empty space than the actual painting!
- In 2005, the US State of Connecticut was accidentally issued an Emergency Alert to evacuate the entire state, however, only 1% of the entire population of the state tried to leave!
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