The fall of India's GDP after the arrival of the British
by Rahul
The GDP value or the Gross Domestic Product value is considered to be the market value of all the “finished goods” in the country. The value is represented in percentages and decides the total economic value of the country. One of the biggest problems India has been having since the British conquest of India was a major decrease in the economical value of the country. Since the Industrial Revolution started in Britain which led to the invention of machines for preparation of finished goods from raw materials, there has been a major decrease in the value of the finished goods since less work and time needed to be spent on the making which ultimately lead to the overall decrease of the economic value of Britain.
The increased need of raw materials by Britain led to several colonies being established in the course of the 17th century. This rapidly ate the economic value of the countries since all the goods produced were valued much lesser than the manually prepared goods. India was home to the finest spices and grains before the entry of the British traders. The British traders started trading for lesser valued, lower quality goods made by machines in exchange for the fine quality spices which was worked hard for. This steadily deprived India of its once rich economic GDP. India’s GDP had been valued at almost 25% - 35% of the entire world’s gross domestic value between the 1st and the 17th century. After the Industrial Revolution and the spike of British trade in India. Indian GDP reduced to a mere 2% in 1947 (Independence). The GDP of Britain increased from 2.9% to 9% in 1870 alone which was mainly caused by the immense amount of goods produced and the high opportunity for trading at that time.
Below are the countries with the most GDP value.
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