Chapter 1 - The Journey Begins!
by Gitanjali
Mysterious Happenings of the Underwater World
It was the summer of 2000 and In a little cottage on the hills, lived Samir and his parents. This summer, him and his parents were supposed to go to the Bahamas on vacation; but instead, his parents- Neeta and Kamal needed to visit their aunt who was very ill. “Goodbye Samir. We’ll see you soon”, his parents said as they gave him a hug. Samir was just 8 years old then. As the door closed in front of him he burst out into tears. “Now, now they will be back soon you know?” His grandmother assured him. “Why don’t I get you some freshly made Pakoras?” “That would be lovely Nana! Thank you!” said Samir. Later that night, Samir laid in bed gazing at the distant night sky through his window wondering about the world and the what was out there. Even though he was 8, he was quite adventurous, and loved to explore. With all the thoughts that filled his head he gave out a heavy sigh and went to sleep.
The next morning, he skipped down the stairs joyfully and went to see his grandmother in the kitchen. She seemed quite dull. “Hello nana! Good morning!” Samir said with an enthusiastic smile on his face. “Hello I have some news. Uh I- I think you should have a seat” she said in a sad, dull tone. “okay..nana..” he said. Samir was quite confused with what was going on. “Samir, I’m sorry to tell you this but, your parents’ flight has gone missing. They are still searching everywhere but there’s no sign of them.” Nana sighed. “No, no this can’t be” he said as he ran up the stairs crying. “Samir, wait!! Listen to me!!” cried his grandmother but Samir ran up the stairs and slammed the door. He was very upset and shocked with the news as he quietly wished to himself “I wish they come back”. Samir was a strong believer, he believed he would find his parents one day. But when?
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