You Didn't Know that
by Aayush
1) …the quote “Lightning does not strike the same place twice” is false in real life. We say this to prove that the same bad thing does not happen twice, but the quote is wrong.
2) …the majority of people believe that repeated shaving can cause your hair to grow quicker, and thicker. But the truth is that it does nothing. Though this was debunked in 1930, it is still quite popular.
3) …most people relate the way our toilet flushes based on the hemisphere we live in.
This is assumed due to the existence of the weather related effect, the Coriolis force. The force affects Hurricanes and Cyclones, but certainly not your toilet!
4) …the left-right brain theory is immensely popular but false. This is insanely shocking, but research has proven that the brain is much more complex than that, and this theory is false. Maths and sciences can be highly creative and arts can also involve logic and theorising.
5) …the Great Wall of China is very hard to see from space. Well, it depends. Many astronauts have confirmed that it is indeed very hard to see the Chinese landmark. The only way we would see it, is if we used satellites with sensors in low earth orbit, and a very clear sky.
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