We all respect our country, don’t we?
In supporting and serving it, we find glee!
Now the world is rid with greed,
In our lovely garden, a spreading weed!
We have all completely changed,
We aren’t what we used to be.
Cash-thirsty misers, not everything’s free!
Sharing is something that we all now flee
We must save the world, one way or another,
We must find a way to restore glory.
We must respect our country, serve it and sweat,
Working together is our best option only!
The Long Wishlist
I have a long wishlist,
Full of things I like to do!
To be a gamer or a cyclist,
What about you?
To trek to the top of Everest,
Or to dive deep into the Mariana
No way that I will rest,
Till I row down the Parana!
To be a poet or a writer?
I don’t know where to start!
I bet I could be a carpenter,
To give life to a big blue chart!
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