Ridiculous Minecraft Seeds
by Venkat
The way a minecraft world is generated is based upon a random number known as a seed.
The seed can determine the features of your world. As you can see, the seed is a particularly important number.
Here are 3 unbelievable and ridiculous seeds in minecraft history!
1) This seed is pretty astonishing since one of the vilage houses is 200 blocks high. I know right, CRAZY! This happened due to the fact that there was a floating island that high and the game tried to spawn the house there. But one part of the house comes off of the island, and thus the game decided to stretch the house to make it 200 blocks high!
<img src=https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/806042818807595049/844868985106989076/Weird_village_house.png alt=house width=250>
2) This seed is insanely absurd! One of the end portals in this seed has 5 of the 12 eyes pre-lit. This in itself is few and far between. But that is not all…The side of the end portal where the eyes are lit up is at a chunk border, therefore tricking the end portal to think it is lit up! The seed is 8820529816979238 if you want to test it out.
3) This seed is pretty weird since there is a jungle temple floating in mid air! There is absolutely no explanation behind how or why this has generated. Imagine going through your world and seeing this… You would be baffled. The seed is 4232314645993285604, if you want to try it out for yourself.
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