The Real Superheroes
by Aravindaksha
We have all seen a superhero movie or read a book about them one time or the other. Sometimes, you may wonder “What if they exist”. People flying around with cool suits and lasers from their eyes and hands. What if I told you that they did exist, protecting us 24/7 in the ground, air and waters, but minus the lasers plus extra bravery.
Yes, I am talking about the personnel of the Indian Armed Forces. These people dedicate their lives for this dangerous job, protecting their beloved motherland, from cold mountains to hot deserts.
The Armed Forces only recruit the fittest of the fit and they are put through rigorous training before becoming an officer. These patriotic soldiers (or Jawan in Hindi) fight at the borderlines under heavy fire, defending Mother India from foreign forces and set the most excellent example of selfless service, brotherhood and love for their country.
While the first thing that comes to your mind when thinking about an army is soldiers fighting enemies and firing a lot of bullets, that isn’t exactly the case. It is interesting to know that they specialise in various other fields too. One such field is search-and-rescue during disaster times. Another fact is that India has NEVER EVER attacked another country first, but it has only mobilised for defending itself or its allies. It is also one of the biggest contributors to the United Nations’ peace operations.
Here are some incidents which will swell your heart with pride for India’s Forces:
- • The Indian Army holds the record for accepting the largest surrender (93,000 Pakistani Army Officials) during the 1971 Indo-Pak War.
- • Operation Rahat which was conducted to evacuate those who were affected by the 2013 North India floods is regarded as one of the biggest civilian rescue operations in the world.
- • Kargil War - Indian Armed Forces victory against Pakistan, who illegally infiltrated into India’s territory.
- • Liberation of Goa, Daman and Diu - Despite India’s negotiation of Portugal about them surrendering control over Goa, Daman and Diu, they never gave up. Within 26 hours, India launched Operation Vijay and took Goa, Daman and Diu from them and annexed it.
- • 700 personnel were airlifted by the Air Force in 110 flights, over 36 hours in top secret during the Bangladesh Liberation War.
- • The Armed Forces tested nuclear weapons in 1970s and 1990s WITHOUT the USA CIA’s knowledge.
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