Haikus, Limericks, Poems
by Some Young Poets
School shapes your knowledge.
It teaches you many things,
Give food for your thoughts. (Haiku)
Racing is a sport,
It requires bravery,
And a LOT of skill. (Haiku)
- Arnav
There was a unique rat,
It always frightened the cats.
Once it rolled itself like a ball,
And fell into a tiny hall,
Filled fully with mats! (Limerick)
There was a town named beard,
It was always weird.
It fought for the sun,
Always wishing to run ,
But later ran for its sword. (Limerick)
- Arshitha
There was a grumpy old man
who lived inside a van.
When the world was going to end,
he said he had a plan,
But when it did he just ran! (Limerick)
There was a man who owned a bank,
and the mayor gave him the first rank.
In the middle of the night,
he woke up with fright,
to find his head in a fish tank. (Limerick)
- Gitanjali
Art without colour
Is Art only about the colours you choose?
Is art only in your palette choices?
I believe art is only the way one perceives the world,
The beauty that lies within the mind.
Art is nature at its finest point and even without the colour art is always art.
Dreams are art that you weave within your mind and though you might be colour-blind the shades and gradients will come alive.
The starry night was still painted by a colour-blind Van Gogh…
Art is never just about the colour,
It’s about giving wings to your imagination even without a palette.
So go ahead and paint your canvas because art is art even without colour.
(Poem in paragraph format)
- Shradha
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