You didn't know that!
by Aravindaksha
- …Elephants think people are cute, the same way people think puppies or kittens are cute!
- …The manager of the Irish brewery “Guinness” started the Guinness Book of World Records when he got involved in an argument about the fastest game bird in Europe. He realised that it was impossible to find it in any reference book and set about creating his own book with the McWhirter brothers.
- …The collective noun for lemurs is ‘conspiracy’!
- …English is not native to the British Isles. It was brought to Britain in the mid 5th-7th Centuries by German, Danish, and Dutch settlers!
- …When we’re born, the only innate fears we have are basophobia (Fear of Falling) and phonophobia (Fear of Loud Sounds). All other fears are learnt!
- …QANTAS once powered an inter-state flight on cooking oil. This marked Australia’s first commercial flight on biofuel!
- …So far, only 2 diseases have been successfully eradicated entirely - Smallpox and Rinderpest. The last known case of smallpox was in 1977 and the last case of rinderpest was in 2001!
- …There is a liquid you can breathe, called perfluorohexane. Animals can be submerged in a pool of perfluorohexane without drowning!
- …Despite being a landlocked country, Mongolia has a navy of 7 men and 1 ship, the “Sukhbaatar III”, which is stationed on Lake Khovsgol!
- …Originally, bumper cars were not supposed to hit each other. Actually, it was the opposite - Drivers were supposed to avoid crashing in the chaotic driving!
- …In 1866, the USA purchased Alaska from Russia for $7.2 million by writing a check!
- …Although most people think pepperoni is Italian, it is actually American!
- …Approximately 1 in 2000 babies already have a tooth when they are born!
- …An animal’s duration of a yawn is based on how large their brain is. The bigger the brain, the longer the yawn!
- …Nutella was invented in World War II when an Italian pastry maker mixed hazelnuts with chocolate to extend his chocolate ration!
- …The original name for XBox was DirectXBox to show how Microsoft’s Direct X graphic API could improve the console market!
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